bizSAFE Partners are carefully selected. They influence existing and potential stakeholders across their value chain to work safely for them.

Who May Apply

You can apply to become a bizSAFE Partner if your organisation:

  • Is not in the Business Under Surveillance programme;
  • Is committed to including bizSAFE Level 3 and above in its procurement specification(s); and
  • Meets one of the following criteria:
    • Has an existing bizSAFE status of Level 3 or above.
    • Has a Joint Commission International (JCI) certificate.
    • Is a Responsible Care Award winner.

Note: All applications are subject to the WSH Council's approval. The Council reserves the right to request for an RM audit for verification purposes, and to refuse any organisation if it is currently under any form of investigation by authorities.

Why You Should Apply

Comply with Risk Management Regulations

As a bizSAFE partner, you can ensure that all of your business partners comply with WSH (Risk Management) Regulations with a bizSAFE status of level 3 or above. This reduces your risk of accidents, delays, fines, stop work orders and investigations due to poor workplace practices.

At the same time, you can expect improved quality and productivity.

bizSAFE Partner Awards

As a member of our elite group of bizSAFE Partners, you are eligible to apply for the bizSAFE Partner Awards. This category recognises bizSAFE partners who have been proactive and committed in bringing business partners on board the bizSAFE programme.


It is free to apply for bizSAFE Partner membership. 

Application for bizSAFE Partner

As our selected partner, your company is recognised as an organisation that has influencing power in your business value chain.

Please click here to submit your bizSAFE Partner application.

Please allow 10 working days of processing from the date of submission. Once your application is approved, the bizSAFE Partner e-certificate and logo will be sent to your company's senior management representative will receive via email.


Note: By submitting this application, you have read and understood the contents of the Guidance Notes