Being Fair

3. Make Your Fair@Work Promise

Make your Fair@Work Promise to join thousands in creating a fair and inclusive workplace. Being fair means not judging others based on their age, race, gender, religion, marital status and family responsibilities or disability.

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Look beyond biases and see people for their abilities.

The Fair@Work Promise is your personal commitment to be fair and inclusive in the workplace; and not to judge people based on stereotypes or biases, and to see them for their abilities.

Everyone has a part to play in creating a fair and inclusive workplace, and every little effort counts in making a positive difference.

Make your Fair@Work Promise now.



Fair@Work Promises

Popular Promises

1041 promises

"I promise to value everybody's ideas"

958 promises

"I promise to see ability in everyone"

753 promises

"I promise to do my part for diversity and inclusion"

705 promises

"I promise to value the experience of older colleagues"

441 promises

"I promise not to be biased when hiring"

422 promises

"I promise to treat my female colleagues with respect"

318 promises

"I promise to support colleagues with families"

Make Your Fair@Work Promise

Choose from our list of promises.

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Thank you for promising to be Fair@Work!

Share your commitment to help create a fair and inclusive workplace.