Other Useful Mental Well-being Resources

Access other resources and webpages that can improve workplace mental well-being

Mental Health Toolkit for Employers

An employer’s guide to hiring and supporting persons with mental health conditions in the workplace

Workplace Mental Well-being Campaign 2021 Microsite

Launched by the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, the Workplace Mental Well-being Campaign 2021 aims to remind people to take time to take care of their mental well-being, an essential component of the overall health which can impact their performance, and even their safety.

ReXilience® Programme

The ReXilience® Programme, developed by the Department of TRaCS at Changi General Hospital, is designed to:
Raise awareness about the importance of mental and emotional well-being,
Equip individuals with knowledge and skills to survive, rebound and thrive, and
Engage organisations to adopt resilience building initiatives.