Public consultation for WSH Guidelines for Hospitality and Entertainment Industries

16 Mar 2022 Announcements

The hospitality and entertainment industries are important industries which form a significant part of the economy. These industries provide full-time, part-time and contract employment for a large number of people.

To provide a high standard of service to customers, the pace of work in these industries can be fast, with long working hours. Providing a safe and healthy working environment can improve the well-being, morale, and productivity of employees.

As the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Guidelines for Hospitality and Entertainment Industries was last reviewed in November 2013, it is timely for the WSH Council to revise this set of guidelines to ensure relevance to current WSH practices and measures adopted by these industries. 

In summary, it is proposed that the Risk Management Framework be revised and the following sections added: 

Workplace Harassment
Exposure to Bodily Fluids
Infectious and Transmissible Diseases
Lone Working Hazards
Contractor Management
Adopting Technology for WSH]

We invite industry members to share your feedback on the draft WSH Guidelines for Hospitality and Entertainment Industries prior to its publication. Please email the completed public consultation form to by 21 April 2022.
We value your views and your insights will help to shape the future of workplace safety and health in Singapore.