Training Providers Forum 2024

15 May 2024 Forum Past Event

  • Date:

    26 Jan 2024

  • Time:

    9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

  • Location:

    MND Auditorium
  • Spots Available:


  • Event resources:

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Training Providers’ Forum 2024 focused on quality training 
Held on 26 January 2024, this year’s WSH Training Providers’ Forum focused on the need for quality WSH training offered to learners.  

Organised by the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, the annual forum called on training providers to have the obligation and responsibility to impart good WSH knowledge and applied learning to the learners. This was stressed upon by Mr Christopher Koh, General Manager of the WSH Council, who summarised the direction for WSH training using the acronym “CAI” – where a worker's learning needs to continuous, training should always be accessible, and there needs to be integrity in the teaching and assessment procedures so that trainees learn and internalise the knowledge. 

Key Highlights and Learning Points  

Training providers can provide effective WSH learning using digital tools and technology, in addition to the use of the Productive Failure Developmental framework.  
Adoption of good ethical practices is key to training. Training providers must maintain a high level of WSH training standard despite challenges such as, diverse trainer performance, training policies, goals, and learners’ needs. A presentation on the “Code of Ethics” was shared and presented by SISO.  
Inspection and audit findings arising from checks carried out by officers from the Occupational Safety & Health Division under the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Workplace Safety and Health Council, were shared to prevent the recurrence of similar issues. Training providers were urged to take ownership of their training and collectively work towards a healthy and safe workplace for every worker.     
Key changes to the training requirements under the Curriculum, Training, and Assessment Guide (CTAG) were shared. For example, a trainer for a course cannot be the assessor for the same course he was instructing. This is to prevent any conflict of interest on the part of the affected trainer

Read Opening Address by Mr Christopher Koh at WSH Training Providers Forum 2024