WSH Leadership Convention ChemPact 2022

15 May 2024 Forum Past Event Chemicals Chemical

  • Date:

    20 Jan 2022

  • Time:

    10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

  • Location:

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WSH Leadership Convention: ChemPact 2022

The Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, together with the Singapore Chemical Industry Council and the Association of Process Industry, jointly organised the inaugural WSH Leadership Convention: ChemPact 2022. The hybrid event, held on 20 January 2022 at Resorts World Convention Centre, saw close to 270 participants from C-suites to WSH professionals.

Mr Wim Roels, Chairman of the WSH Council (Chemical Industries) Committee, gave his welcome address, highlighting how ChemPact 2022 marked a significant milestone for the chemical industries, rallying industry leaders to demonstrate proactive leadership through their WSH Pledges for their respective companies. Thirty companies’ WSH Pledges were featured, demonstrating their commitment towards providing a safer and healthier working environment for their employees. He also commended the good work that the Jurong Island Vision Zero Cluster had done, including spearheading numerous initiatives to raise the WSH standards on Jurong Island.

In his opening address, SMS Zaqy Mohamad emphasised the importance of leadership, stewardship and mentorship in strengthening WSH ownership among employers. He also announced the launch of the national Vision Zero video, which stresses that employees are a company’s greatest asset. The video promotes the Vision Zero movement, which is an ongoing, lifelong process that requires everyone to be onboard.

Dow Chemical Pacific (Singapore) Pte Ltd spoke about how its employees benefited from its Total WSH and mental well-being initiatives while Shell Energy and Chemicals Park presented its corporate philosophy on technology use. The Economic Development Board also shared insights on the chemical industry’s economic outlook and development. Rotary IMC Pte Ltd rounded off the event with the company’s philosophy in developing the WSH Pledge.

Companies can look forward to the WSH Leadership Convention: ChemPact in 2024 to register their interest and sign up for the WSH Pledge.

Find out more about the Vision Zero Movement.